Zinc Sodium phosphate phosphor has been studied in recent times to know its dielectric, optical, Ultrasonic properties. It also shows wide applications in Solid State Lighting (SSL) as in SSL white LEDs are receiving great importance due to their longer life span, higher efficiency, and less power consumption. Recent technological applications have shown more interest in the studies of pure phosphate glass due to their superior chemical and physical properties. This study reports the synthesis of ZnNaPO4: Ce3+ via the co-precipitation method. The characterization wasdone by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The photoluminescence (PL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) along thermo luminescence (TL) were studied. PL Spectra consisting an excitation peak at 285nm with a shoulder at 275nm and is assigned to an emission peak at 340nm.The emission corresponds to the 2F5/2 → 2F7/2 transition of Ce3+ ion. CW-OSL properties were studied for the test dose of 100mGy,90Sr β-source, and LM- OSL properties were studied using 0.6 Gy of 90Sr β-source. Thermoluminescence was studied and a glow curve was recorded for 100mGy, 90Sr β-source. The conclusion is Ce3+ doped ZnNaPO4 phosphor may use as a good thermoluminescent material.