Background: The phosphor is prepared by using the conventional Solid-state reaction method heated at 1200oC for 2 hrs. The received cakes are grounded for 30 minutes each. The present paper reports the optical properties of rare-earth-doped Gadolinium Silicate Phosphors. The Cerium Oxide (Ce3+) was used as rare-earth-doped.
Method: Synthesis and optical properties of Ce3+ doped gadolinium silicate phosphors were prepared by conventional solid state reaction method. This synthesis route is very easy and does not require expensive as well as sophisticated equipment’s. The major advantage of SSR method is, the final product in solid form is structurally pure with the desired properties depending on the final sintering temperatures. This method is environment friendly and no toxic or unwanted waste is produced after the SSR is complete. In this process the powders produced from SSR method is very fine as well as the cross contamination is very less. This method is also very convenient for large scale production on industrial scale.
Results: The phosphors are prepared and the received powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscope (SEM), Photoluminescence study (PL) and Energy Dispersive through X-ray Elemental Analysis (EDAX) analysis. The following section discusses and the experimental results are mentioned in these phosphors. The present Phosphor can act as a host for blue light emission in many display devices and technological applications.
Conclusions: Synthesis and optical properties of Ce3+ doped gadolinium silicate phosphors were synthesized by simple conventional solid state reaction method. The crystallite size of synthesized phosphor powders was obtained in the approximate range of 27nm to 42nm. Also found that all the crystallite sizes are in nano form and we conclude majority phosphor crystallites are in nano form. From PL emission spectra is found very good broad peak at 438nm is due to transition 5D2 → 7F0 with energy 2.6572ev. It is concluded that the formation of the phosphor is as per the empirical formula and weight percentage used to prepare the phosphors using a solid-state reaction (SSR) method. It is also concluded the SSR method is to synthesize the phosphors under study is a very good method.