Introduction: Anatomy is an important subject for all the medical students. Cadaveric dissection is required in-depth knowledge of human body. Donation of human body in the field of medical science is also needed for learning and research purpose. Besides dissection, cadavers are also used for practicing as well as developing new surgical techniques.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the awareness, perception and attitude regarding body donation after death among medical, paramedical and nursing students.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on students of Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki and Sitapur, U.P. India among 100 Medical students (Male: Female=59:41), 100 Paramedical students (Male : Female=47:53) and 100 Nursing students (Male: Female=22:78). The duration of study was from April 2018 to June 2018. The sample size of 300 participants were collected by simple random sampling. There were some difficulties facing during data collection. The data were analysed statistically.
Results: In our study we found that 46.33% students accepted that the society is not aware about body donation and it was also found that 23.67% candidates were prevented by their family members for body donation.
Conclusion: Body donation is an ideal way for teaching in anatomy & medical research. It is helpful for anatomists as well as the future surgeons.