Introduction-Lacrimal pathway obstruction may be idiopathic or secondary to chronic infections, tumours, trauma or iatrogenic factors, and may occur at any point along the tract, however being more frequent at the level of the nasolacrimal duct. The presenting complaint of a patient with NLD blockage is epiphora. Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is an effective and safe method for the treatment of NLD obstruction. Endoscopic endonasal DCR has evolved from functional endoscopic sinus surgery.DCR with or without stenting has been used widely in the treatment of NLD obstruction. There is a discussion regarding stenting for DCR.
Aim and Objectives – To compare the surgical outcome of stenting versus non-stenting in patients undergoing endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy.
Materials and methods-A prospective study was done among 40 patients. The patients selected were between 10 years and 60 years of age. 40 patients were divided into two groups. The first group had undergone Endoscopic DCR without stenting and the second group had undergone Endoscopic DCR with stenting (silicone stent). The division of patients into these two groups was random.
Results - Mean age was calculated to be 31.25±7.2 years. Out of 20 patients of the group with stents, complete recovery of symptoms was observed in 19 (95%) cases at minimum six months follow up. Out of 20 patients without stenting, 18(90%) showed complete recovery of symptoms at six months follow up.
Conclusion-Success rate was similar in both, with and without use of stents and no significant difference was observed in patients operated by both the procedures.