Background: TCIRD (topical corticosteroid-induced rosacea-like dermatitis) is a condition that develops after extended and incorrect usage of a topical corticosteroid, as well as the rebound phenomena that occurs after stopping use on the face. Various authors have used a variety of additional words to characterize this illness phenomenon. The aim of this study is to know the benefits of topical xylometazoline in various clinical presentations of TCIRD. Material and methods: This study was conducted at Department of Skin and VD, Nalanda Medical College and Hospital, Patna, period of 6 months from Mar 2019 to Aug 2020, on 36 patients with TCIRD. Results: Studied 36 patients of TCIRD (topical corticosteroid-induced rosacea-like dermatitis) in skin outpatients in a tertiary care centre and found that mean age of patients were 29.25 ± 14.23 years and maximum patient belonged to age group 20-30 years i.e. 16 (44.44%) and minimum from 40-50 years i.e. 05 (13.89%) respectively. Most of the cases were females i.e. 86.11%, on the basis of region most of the patients belonged to rural background i.e. 61.11% and also mostly belonged to Socio-economic status IV i.e. 14 (38.89%). Most of the patients had to remove/prevent blemishes as a purpose of topical steroid use i.e. 17 (47.22%). Conclusion: Excellent improvement and faster recovery to topical xylometazoline in studied patients furnish a new approach to treatment of these patients, acting by directly constricting the cutaneous vasculature thus reducing the blood flow, flushing, erythema and telingectasia and exerting anti‑inflammatory effects.