Introduction: Fetal growth and structural abnormalities are two major causes of perinatal mortality and morbidity, Foetal structural (organs) malformations are seen in 3 to 5 % of all pregnancies.1 Timaly diagnosis and management of congenital anomalies anencephaly, polyhydramnios and others will help in reducing mothers become critically ill by timly termination of pregnancy.
As period of gestation increases more chances of complications will take place.
That will in crease maternal morbidity and increase admission in Obstetric HDU/ICU.
Materials and Methods: We conducted retrospective observational study at ZMCH. Medical College and Hospital on 32 cases of congenital malformation out of 3200 pregnancy after taking propercon sent from november 2018 tillNovember2021.
Results: In this period we screaned 3200 pregnancy and we got 32 fetus anomalies out of them. Inour study incidences of anomalies were1%in study population.
Conclusion: Antenatal fetal anomaly screening may reduce the number of postnatal investigations and also lessen late clinical presentation in high-risk mothers and other groups, Timly advice and termination of pregnancy should offer in congenital anomaly fetustoreduce chances of becoming critically ill of mothers. Foetal karyotyping should be offered incases with CNS anomalies to diagnose the genetic cause for further genetic counselling and management.