Educational technology is a systematic and organized process of applying modern technology to improve the quality of education. It is a systematic way of conceptualizing the execution and evaluation of the educational process, i. e. learning and teaching and help with the application of modern educational teaching techniques. It includes instructional materials, methods and organization of work and relationships, i.e. the behavior of all participants in the educational process. Techno pedagogy refers to electronically mediated courses that integrate sound pedagogic principles of teaching & learning with the use of technology. The techno pedagogy knowledge collaboratively developed frame work of scholars & researchers seeking to conceptualize & clarify the competencies that evolve from the intersection between pedagogy & technology. Present study aim is to compare the techno-pedagogical competency among teachers of Government & private schools of Haryana State. For the present study a sample of 200 Higher Secondary School teachers were selected from 20 Government and 20 private schools by random technique from Haryana State and descriptive survey method was used. Results shows that mean value of techno pedagogical competency of private higher secondary school teachers is more than Government higher secondary school teachers. So the techno pedagogical competency of private higher secondary school teachers is better than Government higher secondary school teachers because the facilities given in private schools are better than facilities in Government schools. The mean value of techno pedagogical competency of male teachers of Government and Private higher secondary school is better than female teachers of Government and Private higher secondary school. So the techno pedagogical competency of male teachers of Government and private higher secondary school is better than female teachers of Government and private higher secondary school. The mean value of techno pedagogical competency of urban Government and private higher secondary school teachers is more than rural Government & private higher secondary school teachers. It is concluded that the techno pedagogical competency of urban Government & private higher secondary school teachers is better than rural Government & private higher secondary school teachers this is because more facilities are available in Urban schools as compared to rural schools.