Aim: To evaluate the co-relation between serum fibrinogen level and various factors like Age, sex, hypertension and diabetes mellitus in patients presenting with acute ischaemic stroke. To assess the prognosis and stroke outcome at the end of one month by modified Rankin’s Scale. Methods: Patients admitted with history of acute onset stroke in medical wards in the department on medicine at MGM Hospital were studied from May 2019 to April 2021. A total of 100 patients were enrolled out of which 50 patients with acute ischaemic stroke (study group) and 50 persons without stroke (control group). Results: The mean fibrinogen levels were raised in the study group (612.2) with acute ischaemic stroke when compared to controls (296.8). 50% of the patients were more than 60 years of age and 62% of the study group were males and 38% were females. Older age group patients and females had higher levels of mean fibrinogen levels in the study group. Mean fibrinogen levels were high both in hypertensive (561.3) and normotensive patients (652) when compared to hypertensive (315.45) and normotensive (282.14) in the control group. Mean fibrinogen levels were high in the study group, both in diabetics (542.67) and non diabetics (642) when compared to diabetics (272.6) and non diabetics (307.14) in the control group. Mean fibrinogen levels were higher in patients with severe stroke (NHISS Score >16) group and also in group with modified Rankin’s scale assessed at the end of one month >=4 in the study group. Conclusion: Mean fibrinogen levels were higher in patients with acute onset ischaemic stroke when compared to controls and clinical severity in the study group co-related with higher levels at the time of admission. The prognosis and outcome of stroke at the end of one month, assessed by modified Rankin’s scale co-related with mean serum fibrinogen levels at admission.