Background: Intestinal obstruction is one of the most common diseases in abdominal surgery. It can slowly lead to changes in intestinal structure and function, and in extreme cases it can be life-threatening. CT allows imaging of the abdominal contents outside the lumen, because of this advantage, the nature and site of the obstruction, especially extraluminal or intramural process, can be established.
Methods: A prospective Hospital Based study conducted in Department of radiology, PBM Hospital attached to S.P. Medical College, Bikaner from Jan, 16- Nov, 16 (11 months) with patients presenting to Department of radiology. Consecutive sampling till 100 patients were selected with inclusion criteria(1)Clinically presented as intestinal obstruction(2)Patients who gave an informed consent.Exclusion criteria(1)Severely decompensated patients (2)Pregnancy, (3)Patients with deranged kidney function test(4) Patients below 14 years of age.(5)Patients who didn’t give informed consent.
Result: Majority (51.0%) of study population belonged to 41-60 years age group followed by 21% patients in >60 years age group and 25% in 21-40 years age groups. In our study 62% were males whereas 38% study participants were females. In CT imaging, maximum 36% presented with dilated bowel loops followed by constriction/bands-18%, subacute intestinal obstruction-16%, 10% as intussusception cases. In present study, 60% patients were treated by surgery. 40% patients were treated by conservative management.
Conclusion; In CT imaging, maximum 36% presented with dilated bowel loops followed by constriction/bands-18%, subacute intestinal obstruction-16%, 10% as intussusception cases. In present study, 60% patients were treated by surgery. 40% patients were treated by conservative management.