The purposes of the study were to find out the existing status of performance considering specific item, as a total performance and to compare them among the power lifters in different body weight categories. The study would be provided information to the coaches that which are the influential factors to promote gradually according to different body weight categories regarding performance enhancement. To conduct this study total 27 inter university and state level male power lifters, age ranging between 18 to 28 years were considered. All subjects were equally divided into three groups as light weight (66 kg.), middle weight (83 kg.) and heavy weight (105 kg.). The selected variables were Bench press, Squat, Dead lift performance. Standard processes were followed to measure said variables. Considering the different aspects of performances it may be concluded that the heavy weight lifters and the middle weight lifter were significantly better than the light weight lifters. The heavy weight category was not significantly better than the middle weight category except the squat performance