Background: Knowledge on biochemical studies in silkworm is very meagre indicating the type and amount of work to be done in future. At the same time, it is interesting to note that different silkworm races reared in laboratory offer an important testing ground for the application of biochemical methods to taxonomic problems
Objective: The present study was designed to conduct with the main purpose to quantitative estimation of proteins in new breeding lines and races viz.Kalimpong-A (KA), B18, Pure Mysore (PM), evolved R1 and R2 of Bombyx mori L.
Methods: The modified method of Lowry was used for the quantitative estuation of proteins during the different developmental stages of KA, NB18, PM, evolved R1& R2 races, and the protein concentration was expressed as µg/ml to weight of the tissue.
Results: Results revealed that The soluble proteins in different developmental stages of KA, NB18, PM, R1 and R2 have revealed comparatively a low protein content in eggs which however reaches a peak in female pupae. Then declines slowly. The soluble protein content in eggs is high in 24h embryos, later decreases and still decreases in 216 h embryos and in instar larvae suddenly increases and reaches a peak in female pupae of 288 h. Highest quantity of protein was noticed in KA, and is followed by NB18, R1 and R2 and PM.
Conclusion: The quantitative analysis of proteins revealed low protein content in eggs, reaches peak in female pupae. The bivoltine parents revealed high protein followed by the hybrids and the Pure Mysore.