Background: Prostatic carcinoma is an important growing health problem, presenting a challenge to urologists, radiologists and pathologist.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on the patients of department of urology, S.P. Medical College and Associate group of Hospitals, Bikaner Fifty Six (56) Cases of Prostate enlargement benign, premalignant and malignant were included in this study. The selection of cases will be random.
Results: Out of 35 cases of BPH on core biopsy, 30 cases were diagnosed as BPH on FNAC, 4 were diagnosed as adenocarcinoma on FNAC and FNAC of 1 case was not available. So accuracy of FNAC for BPH was 88.24%.Out of 13 cases of adenocarcinoma on core biopsy FNAC of all 13 cases was available and out of these 13 cases, 9 cases were diagnosed as adenocarcinoma so accuracy of FNAC for adenocarcinoma was 69.23%.
Conclusion: FNAC is a very useful, simple, cheap, repeatable technique in diagnosing accurately the prostatic lesions and can avoid an open biopsy in many cases reducing patient morbidity and increasing cost effectiveness of the treatment.