Aim: To study the incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing coronary angiography and renal angiography METHODS: The present prospective study on “incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy”was conducted on the patients admitted in the cardiac care unit. Total of 254 patients were taken. All the subjects included in the study underwent coronary / renal angiography using 50-60ml of iohexol non-ionic radiopaque contrast media.All the patients were subjected to a detailed history, clinical examination and laboratory investigations which were recorded in the predesigned performa for this study. Results: Male to female ratio was 1.49:1. 118 (58.71%) males and 83 (41.29%) females had serum creatinine < 1.2. Twenty three 23 (60.53%) male and 15 (39.47%) female had serum creatinine between 1.2-2. 11 (73.33%) male and 4 (26.67%) female had serum creatinine >2. Eighty 80 (52.63%) males and 50 female were normal without risk factor.41 (26.97%) males and 27 (26.47%) females were diabetic with no renal insufficiency.16 (10.53%) males and 13 (12.75%) females have renal insufficiency without diabetes.15 (9.87%) males and 12 (11.76%) females had both diabetes and renal insufficiency. 109 (42.91%) males and 69 (27.16%) females undergo diagnostic angiography.43 (16.92%) male and 33 (12.99%) female undergo PCI (angioplasty). Incidence of CIN was 11.02%.Out of 254 patients 226 (88.97%) had no CIN.28 patients (11.02%) had CIN. Out of 130 patients with no DM/RI 3 had CIN. Out of 68 patients with DM/ no RI 4 had CIN. Out of 29 patients with RI/ no diabetes 9 had CIN. Out of 27 patients with DM/RI 12 had CIN. Out of 130 patients without any risk factor, 2.31% developed CIN. Out of 68 patients with diabetes without RI, 5.88% developed CIN. Out of 29 patients with RI without DM, 31.03% developed CIN. Out of 27 patients with RI and DM, 44.44% developed CIN. Mortality in patients without CIN was 1.20%.Mortality in patients with CIN requiring dialysis was 16.40%. Conclusion: Contrast media (CM) are increasingly used in diagnostic and interventional procedure. This results in the rising incidence of iatrogenic renal function impairment caused by exposure to CM, a condition known as CIN