Human beings are rational beings. They by virtue of their being human possess certain basic and inalienable rights which are commonly known as human rights. Thus, human rights are those rights which every individuals are entitled by virtue of being human. Since these rights belong to them because of their very existence, they become operative with their birth. Human rights being the birth right are therefore inherent to all human beings irrespective of caste, creed, religion, sex, nationality etc. The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights was adopted in 1948 and two International Covenants were adopted in 1966 codifying the two sets of rights outlined in the Universal Declaration. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights entered into force in 1976.The circumstance of human rights in India is unpredictable, because of extensive size, colossal decent variety, its status as a creating nation, and history as a previous frontier region.Hence, this paper discusses about the human rights and the Indian constitution that is the paper deals with the provisions in the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights which are similar to that of the provisions in our Indian Constitution.