On-line shopping is a recent phenomenon in the field of E-Business and is definitely going to be the future of shopping in the world. Online shopping is becoming a hot topic in every business sector, and gradually plays a truly important role in any company’s multi-channel marketing strategy. However, how to apply Internet marketing especially how to utilize it to attractmore visitors to a certain website is still a big question for a number of advertisers.This research paper has used Qualitative and Quantitative research methods to study the impact of Demographic factors of consumers on on-line shopping parameters like satisfaction with on-line shopping, numbers of items purchased, frequency of on-line shopping, future purchase intention, and overall spend on on-line shopping. The data was collected with the help of Questionnaires. The motive of this research is to provide valuable shopping information regarding consumer buying decisions based on the consumer styles. Therefore, this research also studies the gender differences among online buyers. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was use to understand the decision-making styles. The result shows that there are differences in purchasing decisions between online shoppers.