Infertility is one of the major trending problems faced by the couples all over the world. The recent growth of the Indian population currently is over one billion and is expected to touch 2 billion by 2035. Even though curtailing population growth is a major concern, mean while substantial numbers of infertile couples in India have an equally great concern. Methods and Materials: A pre experimental research design was used to accomplish the objective. Study was undertaken on 60 male degree students studying in different colleges in Bangalore by using purposive sampling technique. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge. Results: In the pre-test the subjects had inadequate knowledge of 13.63% whereas in post-test there was significant gain in mean percentage knowledge score of about 23.38%. The mean difference shows 9.75% with the result of 34.71 at 0.001 level of significance which is highly significant and effective. There is no significant association was not found between the demographic variables. Conclusion: From this study it is concluded that majority of the males are unaware about male infertility and develop an unhealthy lifestyle. Through the planned teaching program information had been given hoping to reduce the rate of infertility.