Now a days as far as any industry is concerned environmental concern has become a matter of utmost importance, be it a service industry like banking. To reduce the environmental issues every sector is implementing the Go Green policies now. Even banks are undertaking green initiatives for future enlargement of the banking industry along with humanity too. Indian banking industry are now aware that they should have social morals and green sense of reliability and so the banking industry is enlarging its HR functions with a view to align its practices and policies with sustainability goals reflecting an eco-focus. Moreover employees now prefer to work with those organizations which are green and as such it has become a criteria for their satisfaction. This study hypothesises that there is no significant difference in the influence of demographic variable on Green HR practices and in the influence of Green HRM practice on job satisfaction. This study was conducted in selected scheduled banks with a sample size of 172. The findings shows that majority of the respondents understand the concept of Green HRM. There exists no significant difference in the influence of demographic variable particularly gender on job satisfaction and also the results shows that except for the practice employee participation in formulating environmental strategy majority of the practices shows that there exists significant difference in the influence of Green HRM practices on job satisfaction.