Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a common, preventable, treatable disease that is characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms and airflow limitations that is due to airways and/or alveolar abnormalities usually caused by significant exposure to noxious particles /gases. Hypersecretion in COPD leads to obstruction in airways. Bronchial hygiene techniques like Postural drainage, ACBT, manual hyperinflation, flutter, acapella and autogenic drainage are used to remove secretions. Flutter and autogenic drainage can be self administered by the patients and are easy to learn. Aim: To compare the effect of Autogenic Drainage and Flutter device on PEFR, SpO2 and FEV1 in moderate to severe COPD patients. Method: Forty-four patients having moderate to severe COPD participated of which 22 were given autogenic drainage and 22 were given flutter and its effect was seen on PEFR, SpO2 and FEV1. Treatment was given once daily for 5 days. Result: Both the techniques were effective in improving PEFR, SpO2 and FEV1 but flutter was more effective in improving FEV1. Conclusion: The present study concluded that both autogenic drainage and flutter are equally effective in improving PEFR, SpO2 and FEV1 but flutter is more effective in improving FEV1 and easier for the patient to learn and less time consuming than autogenic drainage.