A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding self assessment of daily fetal movement count, among normal and high risk primigravida mothers at sree balaji medical college and hospital

Dr. V. Hemavathy, Dr. Sathyalatha Sarathy and A. Asha Christina*

Quickening’ is the first point at which the woman experiences fetal movements in early pregnancy. In primigravida, it may be felt from 18-22 weeks and in multigravida, from 16-20 weeks. A fetal movement chart records the frequency of fetal movements and thereby assesses the condition of the fetus. Decreased fetal movements are present in 5% to 15% of
pregnancies and are associated with intrauterine fetal death and intrauterine growth restriction. Evaluative research approach was used to assess the effectiveness of educational awareness package regarding self assessment of fetal movement. The research design is pre experimental one group pre test-post test design. Compare the pre-test and post-test leve of knowledge regarding Daily Fetal Movement Count among antenatal mother in experimental group . The pre-test mean value is 32.2 and the standard deviation is 16.1. Post-test mean value is 82.6 and standard deviation is 6.3. The paired “t” value is 38.8 which is statistically significant at p <0.001. Hence the structured teaching programme is found to be more effective regarding assessment on daily fetal movement count.

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