Arterial blood gas analysis is an essential part of diagnosing and managing patient's oxygenation status and acid-base balance. Arterial blood gas analysis and its interpretation gives a view about a patient’s oxygenation, acid base balance, pulmonary function and metabolic status and with the help of such parameters nurses will be able to assess and monitor critically ill patients especially in ICU, evaluate the efficiencies of therapies, monitor patient’s clinical status as well as to determine treatment needs of the patients. To meet this challenge, nurses must understand the mechanisms underlying acid-base balance and the common causes of acid-base imbalance. Objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding ABG analysis among staff nurses before and after administration of structured teaching programme, to determine the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding ABG analysis among staff nurses and to find out association of knowledge with selected demographic variables regarding ABG analysis among staff nurses of ICU in selected private hospitals of Guwahati, Assam. A Pre experimental one group pre- test post-test design study was used to accomplish the objectives of the study. The samples were selected using non probability convenience sampling technique. The study was conducted among 68 staff nurses of ICU of selected private hospitals of Guwahati, Assam. Respondents were selected on the basis of inclusion criteria. Pre - test structured questionnaire was used for assessing knowledge regarding Arterial Blood Gas Analysis and after that Structured Teaching Programme regarding ABG analysis was administered on the same day after completion of the pre-test. Post-test was conducted to the same group by using the same structured questionnaire on seventh day. Out of 68 respondents majority 60 (82.24%) of the respondents were in the age groups of 21-31 years, 64(94.12%) of the respondents were female, 32(47.06%) of the respondents were having in Diploma nursing, 32 (47.06%) of the respondents were in Basic B. Sc nursing, 41(60.29%) of the respondents were from Neuro ICU, 37(54.41%) of the respondents were having 1-5 years experience, 30(44.12%) of the respondents were having (3months-1 year) ICU experience, 36(52.94%) of the respondents attended in-service class on ABG Analysis. In pre-test majority of the respondents 38(55.88%) had inadequate knowledge and 30(44.12%) had moderately adequate knowledge but after administration of STP, majority of the respondents 35(51.47%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 33(48.53%) have adequate knowledge. The mean of pre-test knowledge was 12.87. After intervention the mean of post-test knowledge was 21.76. The effectiveness of structured teaching programme was calculated by Z test and value of “Z” was 15.87 at 0.01 level of significance. The association of pre-test knowledge was statistically tested by Chi square test and the result showed that there was significant association of pre-test knowledge score with professional qualification, total working experience, in-service education on ABG analysis.
Conclusion: In pre-test majority of the respondents 38 (55.88%) had inadequate knowledge and 30 (44.12%) had moderately adequate knowledge but after administration of STP, majority of the respondents 35 (51.47%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 33(48.53%) have adequate knowledge. Study indicated that the Structured Teaching Programme was effective in increasing the knowledge level of Staff nurses on ABG analysis.