Background: Skin care is a fundamental component of basic patient care and reflects on the overall quality of care a patient receives in the hospital. Pressure sore not only cause suffering to the patients but also increases the workload on health care professionals. Pressure ulcers have been described as one of the most costly and physically debilitating complications. The individual patient who develops an pressure ulcer will increase the costs of health care through the additional time spent in hospital, and occupy a bed for longer. In the domiciliary situation patient may require extra visits by the domiciliary nursing team. Thus nurses, who provide 24 hr care for patients in hospital and take accountability for the nursing care of patients at home, have a legal, moral and social obligation to prevent pressure ulcers. This study will highlight the involvement of nurses in care of bed past patient. The finding of the study might help in providing vigilant nursing care to patient in reducing the incidence of pressure sore.
The result revealed that in pre-test In the pre-test prior to the administration of individual structure teaching program data reflects that out of 50 respondents 50 (100%) had inadequate knowledge scores. Whereas in post-test 50 (100%) of respondents had adequate knowledge scores. In the pre-test practice scores i.e. 50 (100%) had inadequate practice scores whereas in post-test 40 (80%) of respondents had adequate practice scores and only 10 (20%) of respondents had moderate adequate practice score. paired t-test reveals that there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge score (t=55.33, df=39, p=0.05). There will be a significant association between the pre test level of practice Score with selected socio demographic variables of staff nurses The study concluded that Individual structure teaching for effective in prevent pressure sore for bedfast patient using Braden assessment scale.
Aims and objectives: The study aims at assessing that Individual structure teaching for effective in prevent pressure sore for bedfast patient using Braden assessment scale for staff nurses of selected hospitals of vijayapur.
Materials and Methods: Pre experimental design with one group pretest and posttest was selected to carry out the present study. The sample size consisted of 50 Staff nurses working in hospital who fulfilled the eligibility criteria were selected by using non-probability convenient sampling technique. The tool for data collection consisted of 3 parts: 1) Proforma for assessing demographic variables (7 items); 2) structured knowledge questionnaires on pressure sore on use of Braden scale (26 items) and 3) and observational practice check list to assess the practice of staff nurses regarding pressure sore on use of Braden scale (22 items).The reliability of tool was determined by administering the tool to 5 staff nurses working in Hospitals . The tool was tested by split-half method. The reliability knowledge score was 0.815, The reliability Practice score was 0.781.The data required for this study was collected for 13 days (22-7-2013 to 05-8-2013). The study was conducted at selected Hospitals areas of Vijayapur. The subject’s knowledge & Practice regarding pressure sore on use of Braden scale . For The main study selected subjects are assessed by structured knowledge questionnaires in morning & afternoon shifts total 05 investigators were involved in collecting knowledge scores from 50 selected samples. Total 26 questions in various areas of pressure sore & respondents taken 30 minutes to complete the questions. Every day 10 respondents were assessed in two shifts fallowed by observation of each respondent by using observation checklist from morning 8am to 1pm & 2pm to 7pm with ISTP. A 7 days interval was given before post test.
Results: Majority i.e. 36 (72%) of respondents were in the age group of 21-30, 36 (72%) of respondents were males and highest i.e. 36(72%) were diploma in nursing, 20 (40%) of respondents were having sources of information from co workers and majority i.e. 24 (40%) respondents were working in ICU and 20 (40%) of respondents were not undergone to any special training of pressure sore.
• In the pre-test prior to the administration of individual structure teaching program data reflects that out of 50 respondents 50 (100%) had inadequate knowledge scores. Whereas in post-test 50 (100%) of respondents had adequate knowledge scores. In the pre-test practice scores i.e. 50 (100%) had inadequate practice scores whereas in post-test 40 (80%) of respondents had adequate practice scores and only 10 (20%) of respondents had moderate adequate practice score.
• There was significant association found between pre tests knowledge scores of respondents with the selected demographic variables such as age, gender, educational status & with pre test practice scores such as age and gender. There was no significant association found between pre tests knowledge and practice scores of respondents with the selected demographic variables such as sources of information, area of working, working experience and special training of pressure sore programme at 0.05% level of significance.
Conclusion: Majority of staff nurses had Inadequate level of knowledge & practice towards use of Braden scale for predicting Pressure sore risk for bed fast patient, so there is a greater need to educate the staff nurses through mass education programme, seminar, workshop and in-service education finally there will be reduction of pressure sore on use of Braden scale for predicting Pressure sore risk for bed fast patient.