Background: Migration of Indian nurses has grown up significantly in modernistic decades in response to globalization and demand Supply fluctuations. It has been greased by the wheels by enhanced congruence including better gush of information, fast channel of communication and reduced expenses of travelling. Today there is an increased demand for qualified nurses in the developed countries of the world because of population explosion, the increased pervasiveness of chronic diseases, shortage of primary care providers and the utilization of nurses in managing complicated clinical cases. Indian nurses look for foreign opportunities because of deprivation of gratifying career advancement, contentment, inequality in wages, social status, stressful working environment, failure to maintain balance in working life and ratification. In addition, there is an opportunity of alternative careers with good salary and low level of stress at working environments. Now days a process of migration is easy compared to previous one. Furthermore, migration also depends upon recruitment, social connections and relations in foreign country, better carrier options in same profession and skill movability. At the end there is in huge migration of nurses from India to abroad resulting in, which in non-availability of adequate healthcare by skilled nurses. (1)
Methodology: A quantitative approach was used under descriptive design to conduct a study at selected nursing institutes of Anand district of Gujarat state. A total 84 final year B.Sc. Nursing students recruited by non- probability (purposive) sampling technique based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two section tools was introduced to collect data, in which section-I gathered information of Socio-demographic variables, which included Age, gender, Religion, Marital status, rank in previous class, family income per month, known person in nursing profession in abroad countries/ India, Interested countries to migrate, Motivating factor for migration , whether interested to migrate or not etc.In section-II a five point Likert scale introduced for assessing attitude of Nursing Students regarding international migration of nurses. Data collected is analyzed and interpreted based on descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result: An assessment of attitude of final year B.Sc. nursing students regarding an international migration, out of 84 students 65(77.38%) having favourable attitude, and 19( 22.61%) students having neutral. Finding revealed significant association with gender, known person in nursing profession in abroad country and interest to migrate from India.
Interpretation and Conclusion: This study specifically sought that majority of nursing students have favorable attitude regarding international migration.