Main treatment modality for the patients with end stage liver disease is liver transplantation. Cadaveric donors contribute majority of transplanted livers apart from living donors who undergo partial hepatectomy. Presence of accessory segmental branches to the different segments of liver might pose various challenges to the surgeons during transplantation procedures. Present study was conducted with the objective of finding the presence of accessory segmental branches to the segments of right lobe of liver. Accessory branch to segment V was seen in 6 specimens (7.1%), segment VI was seen in 4 specimens (4.8%), segment VII was seen in 5 specimens (6%) and segment VIII was seen in 1 specimen (1.2%). Prior knowledge of presence of accessory branches to the various segments of liver is very essential for the surgeons during liver transplantation. This will prevent the accidental vascular injury, hemorrhage or compromise to the blood supply to the concerned segment of donor or recipient liver during transplantation.