An experiment was conducted to study the growth parameters of rapeseed (Brassica rapa var dichotoma) under Can evaporimeter based irrigation management at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat in the rabi season of 2018-2019. The treatments consisted of three different irrigation depths viz., irrigation of 4 cm depth (I1), irrigation of 5 cm depth (I2) and irrigation of 6 cm depth (I3) and three irrigation schedules viz., irrigation at 4 cm evaporation from Can evaporimeter (D1), irrigation at 5 cm evaporation from Can evaporimeter (D2) and irrigation at 6 cm evaporation from Can evaporimeter (D3). The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block design with three replications. The study revealed that irrigation of 6 cm depth (I3) recorded the highest values for all physiological traits in terms of crop growth rate (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area index (LAI) and specific leaf area (SLA). Similarly, in case of scheduling, application of irrigation at 4 cm evaporation from Can evaporimeter (D1) resulted in higher values of CGR, RGR, LAI and SLA. The highest biological yield of 3156 and 3325 kg ha-1 was recorded with 6 cm irrigation depth (I3) among depth of irrigation and irrigation scheduled at 4 cm evaporation from Can evaporimeter among the irrigation schedules, respectively.