Background: Replacement of missing teeth is a common patient need and with increase in life expectancy of individuals, the need for restoration of partially edentulous condition is increasing. Various studies have confirmed the prevalence of partial edentulousness, its rehabilitation status, lack of awareness,etc. Long-term partial edentulousness leads to various undesirable sequelae like aesthetic impairment, migration and spacing of surrounding teeth,etc. Hence decided to do a survey on status of partial edentulism and restoration of it.
Aim: To take a survey on the status of Partial Edentulism and its restoration which is a Cross Sectional Study in the Age Group of 18-25 Years among the sub-urban population of Kanchipuram.
Objective: The objective of this study is to find out the frequency of partial edentulism, its arch distribution status and awareness to restore among a population sample aged 18–25 years.
Materials and methods: In this study, a survey and a patient examination method was proposed. The population for the study comprised of the suburban population of Kanchipuram aged (18-25) years. All the subjects selected were screened using questionnaire and clinical examination.
Result: The incidence of partial edentulism among the surveyed group was 23 % with no significant gender based difference in the frequency of its occurence. A predominance of partial edentulousness in maxillary posterior region in men and mandibular posterior region of women.Lack of awareness to go for rehabilitation was seen in both groups. However, women subjects showed more awareness than men did. All the subjects preferred to undergo fixed partial denture treatment rather than removable options.
conclusion: The prevalence of partial edentulism in the state population of suburban Kancheepuram is relatively high. The awareness about rehabilitation of partial edentulous state is also inadequate.Hence, more awareness and treatment program has to be initiated to address this concern.