The most common characteristics for the power plant applications include operation of generators in parallel with a utility grid, remote control operation of excitation system from the control room, manual and automatic control of the excitation and many other factors. Also, due to the increase in capacity and expansion in operating area of the power system, the power angle stability and voltage stability will reduce the stability of the power system. In order to reduce the oscillation and to improve the relative stability of the overall system, the PID controller is designed to the system.
The main objective of this paper is to analyze the excitation control and stability of the synchronous generator connected to infinite bus system with PID controller and rate feedback. The excitation control of the system is analyzed by SIMULINK model and State Space Approach (SSA) on both MATLAB. Then, the stability of the system is analyzed from bode, root locus plots by using both MATLAB and then the eigen values of the system matrix is also obtained and analyzed using both MATLAB. The responses of the excitation control and stability of the system with/without PID controller and with/without rate feedback are obtained and compared.