Forest is a natural resource and considered a complex ecosystem as well as the storehouse of different life forms. It has been maintaining not only ecological balance, hydrological cycle, nutrient cycle, bio-geo chemical cycle, ground water cycle, environmental stability-sustainability but also providing food, fodder, fuel, fiber, medicine and employment opportunities and also reducing soil erosion and pollution. No life form on the earth surface cannot think of life without fresh air, which is coming from the forest. Primitive men worship trees as God. Such sustainable thinking of primitive men have travelled a long distance in handing from one civilization to another civilization and have reached in modern decade. At the same rhythm the men have gradually erased of such values, believes and thinking and the eco-centric views of the biological man is replaced as techno-centric views of the technological man. Now the men have always involved in money making process for their contemporary life style and they do not spent a single moment in thinking of environmental sustainability. The research article is an empirical investigation to chalk out the status, causes and consequence of Spatio-temporal change of forest in Sonamukhi C.D. block of Bankura district. The endless demand of the increasing human population, human’s need and greed, thinking of more profit-more gain and lack of proper environmental education have played an important role for the changing forest scenario of the ill-fated study area.