Urban solid waste includes household garbage and rubbish, street sweeping, construction and demolition debris, sanitation residues, trade and industrial refuse and bio-medical solid waste. All nonhazardous solid waste from a community that requires collection and transport to a processing or disposal site is called Refuse or Municipal Solid Waste. Uncollected solid wastein cities provides a favorable habitat for insects, vermin and scavenging animals, which spread diseases. Leach ate produced by accumulation of MSW can leak into environment causing contamination. The private sector has been involved in door-to door collection of solid waste, street sweeping in a limited way, secondary storage and transportation and for treatment and disposal of waste. There have been no efforts in the past to create community awareness, either about the likely perils due to poor waste management or the simple steps that every citizen can take, which will help in reducing waste generation and promote effective management of solid waste generated. MSW can be managed by proper steps like waste reduction, collection, transfer, composting, etc. The waste management of hotel industry is very important in overall waste management. Many hotels generates above 20% of food waste, green waste and other wastes. Very few hotels carry out composting. It is also evident that small and medium hotels pay less attention for implementation of waste minimization than larger ones. The following survey focuses on management of waste which is generated by hotels of Ulhasnagar and Kalyan (Mumbai) and the problems which are faced in segregating and composting management.