Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) is one of the most comprehensive schemes of ever implemented by Government of India. It has been considered as one of the most significant schemes of rural development and employment, ever implemented in India. Unlike the previous other schemes of rural development and employment, it gives guarantee of minimum 100 days of unskilled manual labour per year. In case the requisite number of days work could not be provided, there is also a provision of unemployment allowance to be given to them. It is commonly considered that this scheme will change the socio-economic dynamics of the rural India. In this regards many of the previous studies have shown positive impacts upon the overall development of the people in different parts of the country. In Himachal Pradesh, where this scheme has been made fully functional, it has made considerable impacts in the socio-economic life of the rural people. In this paper an attempts has been made to detailed analysis of the impacts of the MGNREGS, upon different sections of the society. With the implementation of this scheme it has contributed to the empowerment of the various sections of the rural people. The scheme has suddenly increased purchasing power of the women and there is visible local economic development.