Background: Cancer is a major health problem worldwide and has wide variations in distribution according to different socio-demographic conditions throughout world. In the developed world cancer is the second leading cause of death accounting 21% of all mortality. In India in males most frequent cancer is oral cancer and in females cancer cervix.
Aim: To determine the socio-demographic variables of cancer patients.
Materials and Methods: Review of the Cancer patients attending JA Hospitals for treatment and patient interview. Information on socio-demographic profile, medical history, family history and previous treatment, if any, was retrieved from the patient and/or registry. Pretested pre designed performa is used to collect the descriptive data.
Results: It was noticed that out of 155 cancer patients 60.55% were females and 39.45% were males. Majority of patients were Hindus (85.27%) and maximum (64.36%) were illiterates and 72.55% were agriculturist. Most of the cancer patients belonged to social class 4 (low socio economic status). The most frequently reported cancer (ca) in males it was oral ca (67.5%) and ca lung (13.7%). In females most common cancer were ca breast (30.7%) followed by ca reproductive tract (cervix) (24%).
Conclusion: This study gives very important information to say that education and occupation are the fundamental factor among the socio-demographic determinants of cancer patients. Public awareness through education and improvements in living standards can play an important role in reducing the high incidence of cancer in India.