Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBRT) and brucellosis are two economically important disease listed by OIE affecting reproduction and having great impact on international trade. IBRT and brucellosis are highly contagious and spreads quickly through direct contact. Both diseases are not life threatening but predisposes to secondary bacterial pneumonia, which may result in death if untreated. The present study aims to understand the seroprevalence of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and brucellosis in a private commercial farm in Palakkad district of Kerala with a history of frequent last trimester abortions. Sera samples were collected randomly from 50 cows that include both apparently healthy animals and animals with history of abortions. These samples were screened for presence of antibodies to IBR by using gB competitive ELISA and antibodies to brucella by using indirect ELISA. In the present study,16 out of 50 serum samples (32 %) were found to be positive for IBRT but all of them were negative for brucellosis. This indicates the need for screening of animals during international trade and implementation of proper vaccination strategy for IBRT in Kerala along with the use of disease free semen.