Mango red banded caterpillar, MRBC Autocharis albizonalis is one of the most notorious and destructive insect pests of growing mango fruits rendering considerable range of damage. Substantial varieties of mango that were produced in Malda, district of West Bengal were infested by this pest. Out of that Lakhanbhog, Langra were important from economical point of view. Three distantly located mango producing places, namely Sattari, Kazigram, Gokul Nagar Kamat of Malda district were considered to assess the incidence of mango red banded caterpillar for consecutive fruit growing season (2016-2018). Incidence of mango red banded caterpillars for Lakhanbhog and Langra variety was primarily reported during 8 SMW (Standard meteorological week) and then continued up to 14 SMW and ultimately subsumed at 19 SMW. Population of Mango red banded caterpillar showed significant negative correlation with agro-climatic factors such as maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature, temperature gradient, unshine hour but maximum humidity, minimum humidity, average humidity expressed significant positive relation with the seasonal incidence of Autocharis albizonalis.