Cancer occurs in the body due to uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Usually, cells grow and multiply in the right way. However, damaged genes can cause their abnormal behavior. They can develop into a lump called tumor. Risk factors are: human genetics, some pathogens, ionizing radiation, chemical or toxic compound exposures and etc. Cancer symptoms depend on the grade and specific type of the cancer, but some of the general signs and symptoms are: pain, fatigue, fever, weight loss, unusual bleeding, skin changes, change in the bowel or bladder function, persistent cough or voice change, lumps or tissue masses and other. Currently, the most common cancer treatments are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, and hormonal therapy. These treatments target only the cancer cells and cause further damage to the body. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) concerns about the overall condition of the body. The TCM treatment is less aggressive; effective, safe, accessible and affordable to most cancer patients. With the TCM methods the symptoms are controlled, the recovery time is shortened and the survival rates and quality of life is improved. Traditional Chinese herbs hold a long and proven history, which might be why nowadays people decide to treat cancer with TCM. TCM is effective in reducing the toxic effects and enhancing the therapeutic effects of modern cancer therapies, improving the quality of life, enhancing the immune function and preventing recurrences and metastasis.