The last decade has witnessed the emergence of the notable interest from the psychologists and educational scientist tried to study the children’s and the adolescence moral growth. Because of the obvious crisis in society due to Covid-19, it affect our children’s behavioral changes, attitude towards life, social media addiction, and this covid time stress & problems. Adolescents face many issues in this time, they cant learn due to on-line methodology stress, lockdown issues and many more. So in this time their moral values could be down and even they can’t behave proper to others. Here, the role of moral aspect is very crucial to every child. Moral Intelligence refers the ability to apply ethical principles to personal goals, values and actions. It is the ability to know right from wrong and behave ethically. This study tries to know the relationship of Moral Intelligence and academic performance of Adolescence. New generation learners are living in the scientific and the technological explosion era, within problems of covid. It is tied the world with disturbances of imbalances in the life of pupil &harmony of values. Since the world has been invaded by the moral disintegration epidemic that has targeted the children directly. This crisis, targeted our children, Education, parents and common people. some of the frightful problems had been shown the statistics that tension leads to suicide, the reason for that is the children are more likely to commit the crimes because the criminals are becoming role models. In this pathetic situation, this paper tries to analyze the influence of moral aspects on academic excellence among adolescents during this pandemic situation of oxygen crisis.