Background: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major infectious disease in developing countries, with the diagnosis of extra pulmonary TB (EPTB) posing significant challenges. In recent years, cartridgebased nucleic acid amplification test (CBNAAT) has emerged as an important diagnostic tool since the diagnostic yield is higher. This study aims to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the CBNAAT in EPTB, and to assess the CBNAAT performance in detecting Rifampicin resistance among the patients studied. Methodology: An institutional-based observational prospective study was conducted at Department of Respiratory Medicine, Narayana Medical College & Hospital, Nellore during period from January 2019 to November 2020. 25 patients with presumptive extra pulmonary TB were taken as study participants. Results: The most common age group of patients in this study was 41-60 years (48%). In the present study, the Sensitivity of CBNAAT in diagnosing extra pulmonary TB was 93.33%, specificity was 40% and positive predictive value of 70%.