Microalgal species have evolved the ability to tolerate and detoxify the toxic arsenic (AS) substances in their environments, often by producing metabolic enzymes that efficiently detoxify the arsenic toxicant. Arsenic is a redox sensitive metalloid that can also be methylated by different Microorganisms.AS methylation involves sequential transformation of inorganic ASto mono, di and tri-methylated species. Arsenic biotransformation was considered as a major pathway for arsenic detoxification, which includes the processes of oxidation, reduction and methylation. Arsenic methyltransferase (Arsmt) is a key enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group to the acceptor (AS) in the presence of the methyl group donor like the methyl-cobalamin,
S-adenosylmethionine. In this research, the RNA Isolation, cDNA synthesis and arsenic Methyltransferase Gene (Arsmt) expression was studied by using RT-PCR in Three Different Microalgal Species such as Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus acutus and Oscillatoria acuminata. The test samples of Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus acutus and Oscillatoria acuminata expressed up regulations on Arsmt gene respectively over the control samples while the 16s gene was used as internal control (Housekeeping gene) in gene expression studies for the normalization. The test samples of S.acutus, O. acuminata and C. vulgaris treated with 50ppm arsenic was showed up regulations on Arsmtgene expression by 2.24,2.03 and 3.04fold increase respectively over control samples. The microalgal species could be used to detoxify the arsenic from drinking water samples as ecofriendly, low cost and potent method for arsenic detoxification.