Not only in the olden days, till date, Siddha system stands firm in its position and supports the mankind to led a healthy life. Highlighting the usage of simpler medicinal plants, A Siddhar quote is noteworthy. Aim: To review the disease kuṉmam and its treatment with medicinal plants according to Siddha literatures. Materials and methods: The raw data collected from the literatures were processed and analyzed with Microsoft word and Microsoft Excel 2010 worksheets (MS.xls). Kuṉmam in Siddha system is characterized by the symptoms such as ceriyāmai, vayaṟu ericcal, vānti, vaṉmai kuṟaital, uṭal melital, maṉam kuṉṟal. Result: 18 single medicinal herbs were reviewed and tabulated in Table No.01. Those herbs are helpful in treating kuṉmam according to Siddha Materia medica. Discussion: The simpler medicinal herbs and its parts were used as the first line of medicine for many ailments. kuṉmam is one of them. Conclusion: As we conclude that, the harmless, beneficial, traditionally practiced, now scientifically proven those medicinal herbs can be used in the treatment of kuṉmam.