In order to evaluate the nutritional characteristics of Nymphea lotus white and red variety purchased in the N'Djamena market, the contents of water, lipids, some minerals and vitamins were determined. The physicochemical analyzes carried out used standard methods. The results show that the highest lipid content is found for Nymphea lotus of white color (2.75%) and the lowest content is noted for Nymphea lotus of red color (1.84%). The highest content for micronutrients is noted for Nymphea lotus white variety for phosphorus (2052.78 mg/Kg) and the lowest content is noted for Nymphea lotus of red color for sulfur (0.027 mg/Kg). Copper content only exists in trace form for both varieties. White-colored Nymphea lotus has the highest contents of dietary fiber (10.47 g/100g of DM), calcium (1293.62 mg/100g of DM) and fiber (320.81 mg/100g of DM). Red-colored Nymphea lotus has the highest contents of water (8.45%), magnesium (862.28 mg/100g of DM), manganese (117.35 mg/100g of DM), zinc (15.64 mg/100g), sodium (221.76 mg/100g of DM). Consumption and the popularization of this legume among populations could be considered in order to ensure availability throughout the year to ensure food security and thus contribute to the fight against malnutrition.