Although, carcinoma of the gallbladder has a low overall prevalence, however, it is an aggressive disease with poor outcomes. Advances in imaging techniques coupled with guided biopsies have improved the preoperative diagnosis of carcinoma gallbladder. Despite achievements in the field of advanced imaging techniques, the high mortality rate of the disease remains.
The present study was conducted in a tertiary centre of North-Central India. All freshly diagnosed cases of carcinoma gallbladder reporting between January-December 2017 were included and findings regarding clinico-epidemiological profile and dual phase contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography (MDCT Scan) about radiological patterns were recorded. The relative proportion of Gallbladder carcinoma was 8.2% with an increasing trend and female preponderance. MDCT Scan revealed advanced radiological features with locoregional and distal spread suggestive of non-operable disease in most cases. Predominant involvement pattern was diffuse or asymmetric gallbladder wall thickening, with the majority of patients showing contiguous hepatic and CBD infiltration.