Aim: To assess knowledge, attitude and practice of infection control among undergraduate dental students.
Material and methods: A questionnaire survey consists of 10 multiple choice questions related to knowledge, attitudes and practices of infection control was conducted among undergraduate dental students. The sample size included 120 participants who were first, second, third and final year students. The questionnaires were assessed by online survey (www.surveyplanet.com). Data management and statistical analysis were shown.
Result: Dental health are at high risk of getting infection as they are continually exposed to blood and saliva. This study reports the overall knowledge, attitudes and practices among dental students in a private hospital in Chennai. Majority of the students are likely to depend on universal barriers in protecting themselves from getting infection. Washing hands using antiseptic soap with water is the most practicable among dental students based on this study. Also, most of them had a good knowledge on color codes whereas others still unaware about it.
Conclusion: To conclude, a good level of knowledge and positive attitudes towards infection control can be seen amongst candidates in this present study. However, they should practice it in their daily lives especially when they are in clinical environment. Seminars or lecturers on universal infection control measures each academic year can be used to improve and refresh students knowledge about infection control.