Aim and objective: To study the complications and morbidity associated with diabetes patients in Saveetha dental college and hospital.
Methodology: A cross sectional survey was carried among 30 diabetic patients using a questionnaire.Questionaire contained 23 questions based on the complications and morbidity of diabetic patients. The data were extracted and analysed.
Result: This study shows that 93% of the people knows about the diabetes, 53% of them felt that increased sugar level may leads to cause diabetes mellitus, only 47% of them know about the complications of diabetes, 60% of the people have undergone glucose tolerance test, 43% of the people reported that retinopathy is the major complication in diabetes and another 43% say that they don't know about the major complications of diabetes.33% of them say that diabetes will affect at the age of 50 years.3 0% of them reported that less than 30 years the diabetes will affect. 70% of the people reported that complications and morbidity of diabetes in India are very high. More than 43% of the diabetic patients experienced foot ulcer, 73% of them say that untreated diabetes can lead to death, 70% of them reported that obese patients are more prone to diabetes, 77% of them say that the quality of life in the diabetic patients were acceptable. 50% of them reported that current treatment and modalities can acquire a good quality of life in diabetes.
Conclusion: With regard to diabetes, India is one of the leading countries. In India people with diabetes complications and morbidity are very high. From the result of this study it was found that most of the people were well aware about the complications and morbidity of diabetes. Only 23% of them reported that quality of life in diabetes was poor the majority 77% said that their quality of life is acceptable.It reflects the awareness of the public and the well administered medical management of the complication and morbidity meted out by our practitioners.