Introduction: In recent year there has been a significant increase in health care sphere especially in quality of care and treatment. Various standardized tools are also available to check the quality life of patient after the recovery. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 50 million people with epilepsy worldwide, 80% reside in developing countries. Quality of life(QOL) of epileptic children is highly affected with social stigma, economic condition, parents awareness, root of treatment, age and many factor. Researcher interested to identify the QOL of epileptic children in various countries, so he decided to review he paper related to QOL of epileptic child.
Methods: A systematic search for epilepsy literature is conducted. The following electronic databases are searched: ProQuest, Embase, Pubmed, PsycARTICLES, EBSCO, Scopus, Educational Resources Information Center(ERIC) , the British Nursing Index and the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINHAL) and journal available in library.
Result: Researcher found 1428 research paper from electronic data base. Out of 1428, 1012 from PubMed, 212 from ERIC, 24 from PsycINFO, 180 from ProQuest database. 134 articles are excluded as they were duplicates in the databases. 184 articles are excluded as they are not available in full text. Only 42 articles those fulfils inclusive criteria are added for publication. Overall result shows that QOL of epileptic child is very poor in all developing countries.
Conclusion: This literature review revealed that there are many factors which affects the quality of life of children those having epilepsy. From the child's perspective, epilepsy-specific QOL is strongly related to their mental health and social support but not to their seizures. Specifically, child mental health and peer support exhibit direct associations with QOL; parental support has both direct and indirect associations with QOL.