‘Stress’ word has been derived from physics and mechanics where it is defined as physical pressure exerted upon, and between different parts of body, when deformation occurs as a result it is called strain. Stress can be any kind of change in our daily routine or health. Stress has both psychological as well physiological dimensions. To go from home and work or job is one of the stressors amongst working women. Rapid changes in traditional values, life styles of women, competitiveness, career ambitiousness and industrialization are the major factors that have changed the whole environment. This change has encouraged and motivated the women to do something at their own, outside home, which creates work stress and anxiety also. Thus, it is becoming difficult for those, who played the role of housewife, mother and working women at a time. The objective of this paper is to gather a deep understanding of stress among working women. The present study was conducted to investigate the faculty’s viewpoint towards stress at workplace through structured questionnaire, data collected from different private colleges. Researcher tried to collect necessary information from those women, who are working with different educational institutions in district of Jaipur in Rajasthan and to analyze how to deal with stress between professional and personal life. The research analysis was done by percentage evaluation method. The study has been restricted to Jaipur city only, due to accessibility, time and other related factors. Coping strategies were also review to know, how they deal with stress. This finding of study states that stress among working women occurs due to long working hours, various family and official responsibilities, job security and so on. Such type of stress creates various problems such as prolonged headaches, frustration and anxiety.