Background: Dermatoglyphics is the study of the patterns of skin ridges (epidermal ridges) present on the human fingers, palms, toes and the soles. This was a cross-sectional, observational study conducted in the Department of Anatomy in collaboration with the Blood bank of Government Medical College and Associated Hospitals, Srinagar, for a period of eighteen months.
Material and methods: Palmar prints of a total of 385 cases (291 males and 94 females) were studied in this study and their blood group was determined by anti-sera method. The prints were analyzed and various qualitative parameters [finger tip pattern like loop(L), whorl(W) and arch(A) and palmar interossei (PI) pattern] were studied and recorded.
Results: The mean pattern of loops was highest in O blood (5.58), and least in AB blood group (3.73). The mean pattern of arches was highest in AB blood group (0.83and lowest in O blood group (0.35). The mean pattern of whorls was highest in AB blood group(5.43), and lowest in O blood group(4.07). The “no pattern” among the palmar interossei was most common, with most “no pattern” most common with O (mean of 5.45), followed by B (mean of 5.41) and A (mean of 5.22) blood groups. Loop pattern was next in common in interossei followed by arches and whorls. The results of the study revealed statistically significant decreased number of loops in AB blood group with highest frequency of loops in O blood group.