Tumors of the biliary tract are rare, and their survival prognosis is short since diagnosis is often made at advanced stages of the disease. Diagnosis remains difficult because symptoms are often unspecific. Cholangiocarcinoma most commonly advances locally and regionally by invading the lymph nodes. In rare cases, it has been noted that cholangiocarcinoma can metastasize to bone, with a preponderance for the axial skeleton. Herein, we describe what we believe to be the first clinical report of a proximal femoral bone metastasis with multiple vertebral and pelvic metastasis with pathological fractures of neck of femur, D5, L4 and L5 vertebra from metastatic cholangiocarcinoma. We present a case of middle aged patient with a severe and pro¬gressive pain due to pathologic fractures of femoral neck, D5, L4 and L5 vertebra. The medical investigations revealed the presence of an extrahepatic cholangio-carcinoma.