Aim: To assess pain control and symptomatic relief while using 8Gy single fraction versus 20Gy/5# in palliation of painful bone metastasis.
Materials and Methodology: This is a prospective study of 180 patients with painful bone metastasis who were treated at our centre. Ninety patients in one arm received 8Gy single fraction and ninety patients in other arm received 20Gy/5#.Primary goal is symptomatic pain relief, whereas secondary endpoints were decreased analgesic requirement, mean duration of response, improved performance status and reirradiation.
Results: Both single and multifraction RT produces more or less same symptomatic pain relief. However single fraction group required re irradiation more commonly when compared to multifraction group.
Conclusion: More than 80% patients got pain relief at 3-weeks post radiotherapy (82.2% in SF groups & 85.5% in MF group) which was maintained up to 3rd month. There was a reduction in the percentage of patients with overall pain relief 3rd month onward follow up. This study concludes that single fraction is as effective as multifraction for the palliation of painful bone metastasis.