Background: Incisional hernia (IH) is defined by the European hernia society as “any abdominal wall gap with or without a bulge in the area of postoperative scar perceptible or palpable by clinical examination or imaging”. Procedures for the repair of these hernias with sutures and with mesh have been reported. There is no consensus about which type of procedure is best. Aim and objectives: To compare the results of mesh and suture repair of incisional hernia for hospital stay, complications and recurrences. Material and Methods: A total of 60 patients from with incisional hernia were included at Department of General Surgery, Patna Medical College, Patna during July 2014 to June 2016. The patients were randomized in two groups (Group A and Group B) with odds and even number method. Group A (n=30) was subjected to Mesh repair and Group B (n=30) incisional hernia was repaired with suture technique. Results: Age in yrs and BMI in kg/m2 related to both groups A and B not having much difference i.e. 42.22 ± 15.21, 42.61 ± 15.37 & 26.61 ± 05.16, 26.63 ± 05.23 respectively. Hospital stay in mesh repair was less than the sutures repair i.e. 06.29 ± 01.68 in comparison to 09.38 ± 01.75. Over all females shows more cases 37 (61.70%) in comparison to males 23 (38.30%). Suture repair showed more complications than mesh repair i.e. 8 out of 10 i.e. 80%. Most of the cases undergoing mesh repair (90.00%) showed more satisfaction than suture repair (73.33%). Conclusion: Mesh repair is better technique for repair of incisional hernia, because it has less recurrence rate and satisfactory to patients.