This paper presents the effect of process parameters on material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness (SR) of wire electric discharge machine (WEDM). Experimental work has been performed on Electronica Ecocut ELPULS-15 wirecut CNC machine, zinc coated brass wire having diameter 0.25 mm is used as a tool electrode and cold work tool steel A2 is used as a workpiece material. By using Taguchi design approach, L9 orthogonal array has been chosen for the optimization and ANOVA for the analysis of experimental results in MINITAB-18. After analysis, it is concluded that wire tension (WT), pulse on time (TON) are the most significant and spark gap set voltage (SV), pulse off time (TOFF) are the less significant parameters on MRR. SV and WT are the most significant and TON, TOFF are the less significant parameters on SR.