Prevalence of periodontitis in smokers, smokeless tobacco chewers in central india population

Vaibhav Karemore, Mangesh Phadnaik, Yugandhara Desurkar, Apurva Dashputra, Bhagyashree Chavan and Shreeya Korambeth

Aim: The present study was aimed to find out prevalence of periodontitis in smokers, smokeless tobacco chewers in Central India population.
Material and Methods: In a cross sectional analytical study 412 volunteers were evaluated. There were 4 groups including smokers (ST), smokeless tobacco consumers (SLT), combined smokers and smokeless tobacco consumers (CS) and persons without any of the above habits, 104 in each group. Periodontitis was assessed by Community Periodontal Index.
Results: In this study, 43% in ST group, 68% in SLT group, 82s% in CS group and 30% in no habit group patients have been diagnosed with periodontitis. The results of SLT and CS groups are higher than other two groups.
Conclusion: The habit of smokeless tobacco i. e. mainly kharra chewing has strong association with periodontitis.

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