Aim: To assess the knee joint proprioception affection in obese middleclass housewives.
Background: Proprioception is the sensory feedback contributing to muscle sense, postural equilibrium, and joint stability. It is one of the most important components of sensorimotor system that contributes to postural control. Obesity is commonly seen in obese middleclass housewives within 30-45 years of age group because of less household and physical activity and more sedentary lifestyle. Obesity causes overloading on joint which affects the proprioceptors which causes postural instability and displacement of centre of pressure (COP). This causes impaired balance and risk of fall is thus seen to increase.
Methodology: Primary data collection was done using convenient sampling. 50 obese housewives with BMI 30-39.9 kg/m2 and belonging to middleclass socioeconomic group (kuppu-swamy score: 11-25) were screened using Objective joint position sense test(OJPS).
Results: Objective joint position sense test showed proprioception deficit in obese middleclass housewives.
Conclusion: The study concluded that there is proprioception affection in obese middleclass housewives.